التصنيف: Technology

Mauris pellentesque scelerisque leo, non molestie est viverra vel. Mauris erat tellus, fringilla vel venenatis sed, bibendum sed turpis. Integer imperdiet ligula a nunc condimentum eleifend. Fusce posuere congue ipsum, non luctus justo pharetra a. Morbi ac augue mi. Curabitur tempus massa vitae nibh convallis sit amet placerat urna tristique. Cras sem magna, scelerisque quis hendrerit sed, suscipit a ipsum. Donec posuere, orci convallis mattis dignissim, sapien dui vulputate augue, nec gravida augue diam ut enim.

How to mitigate telebubble risk in private practice

According to a recent article, there might be trouble in TeleRiver City There are three scenarios-the good, the bad and the ugly. Whether the expediteded rules changes concerning licensing and reimbursement persist will have a large effect on the continuing dissemination and implementation of telemedicine and to what degree. So, if you are in private… Read more »

What you should learn from the Google Health failure

There used to be a time when almost everyone was asking, “What would Google do with sickcare?” Google health has pulled the plug on their sickcare venture. So did Haven. So did Microsoft. Maybe if the folks in the corner offices (remember those) or at their beach villas working from home talked to some doctors sooner, things might have been… Read more »