ক্যাটাগরি ব্লগ

What it Takes to be a Physician Entrepreneur

Physician entrepreneurs are not just doctors who create businesses. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/08/what-it-takes-to-be-a-physician-entrepreneur#sthash.Ngvpc48Q.dpuf

Hide Your Ugly Side

Some politicians seem to have a hard time hiding their ugly side. That is a major problem since likeability is a major reason why voters elect them – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/08/hide-your-ugly-side#sthash.TywsYBvx.dpuf

Doctors are NOT lousy business people

Episode 101: What It Takes To Be A Physician Entrepreneur with Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA – President and CEO of Society of Physician Entrepreneurs http://relentlesshealthvalue.com/  

Who is stealing from you and how?

When I was in private practice many years ago, I decided to take a weekend course in internal financial controls and managerial financial techniques. During the presentation, the speaker put up an acetate slide (that tells you how long ago this was) and listed 10 things you should have in place to prevent employees from… Read more »

When Will Sick Care Go Down-Market?

Whole Foods has gone down-market with the introduction of their 365 stores. I don’t know about you, but I cringe when I go to one of their stores. It’s hard to find a parking space. The “Whole Paycheck” prices for commodities that, in most instances, are cheaper in other stores are not worth it to… Read more »

Physician Baby Boomer Bust

Millennials now outnumber boomers.   The problem is that when given longer life expectancies and there’s little or no middle ground for senior practitioners to practice anything but full time medicine, we are ignoring a large cadre of boomer physicians who have a lot to contribute, not the least of which is years of clinical… Read more »

10 Ways To Overcome Corporate Immune Surveillance

However, we have a much better understanding of the corporate immune system that has developed over the years, the ability to sniff out innovation, troublemakers, or those who pose a threat to the status quotidian and nip it in the bud.  – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/08/10-ways-to-overcome-corporate-immune-surveillance#sthash.hy8JJYdF.dpuf

Bring Back The One Year Rotating Internship

When I did my residency training, I spent one year doing a rotating surgical internship to prepare for a residency in ear, nose, and throat surgery. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/07/bring-back-the-one-year-rotating-internship#sthash.M8ZimwmY.dpuf

Where’s The Beef?

In an effort to advance sick care and biomedical innovation, we are seeing the growth and development of many programs and platforms offering education and resources. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/07/wheres-the-beef#sthash.Jc77cThC.dpuf