ট্যাগ societyofphysicianentrepreneurs

The 2021 yearbook of physician entrepreneurship

In the spirit of the end of the year “best” lists, I’ll leave it up to the experts. In fact, pop culture was never my best category on Jeopardy. Here was my list for last year. See what I mean? So, here’s what I’d nominate for best physician entrepreneurship ideas for 2021: Great Small Business Ideas to Start… Read more »

The entrepreneurial v the clinical mindset

Innovation starts with the right mindset. For that reason, doctors with a clinical mindset have some characteristics that are entrepreneurial keys. However, there are many more entrepreneurial mindset traits they lack. So, if you are a sick care professional, like a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, dentist or allied health professional interested in entrepreneurship or a non-clinical career pivot, then… Read more »

How to find your innerpreneur

There are entrepreneurs and there are intrapreneurs, employees acting like entrepreneurs with in their organizations.. But few recognize that there are many innerpreneurs. The entomology of the entrepreneurial life cycle resembles an insect that goes from the egg to the larval to the pupal to the adult phase. If just takes fertilization for the process to… Read more »

How to speak to a narcissistic entrepreneur

Imagine you are at a cocktail party and, inevitably, at least in the US, one of the first questions will be, “So, what do you do?”  NB: Do not ask this as the first question when in Europe or Asia. The answer: “I’m a physician entrepreneur”. Now what? Consider it an exercise in cultural competence… Read more »

How to Create Medical Student Entrepreneurs

Biomedical and clinical innovation and entrepreneurship has begun to take its rightful place along side anatomy, biochemistry and clinical medicine in medical school. The process has been slow, but we are seeing the evidence of medical student engagement and interest. Here are 10 ways to stimulate medical student interest and achievement in bioentrepreneurship: 1. Create bioentrepreneurship… Read more »