Kategorie: Blog

Physician Entrepreneurs Are Leading Indicators

Economists like to follow leading and lagging indicators. When it comes to tracking biomedical and clinical innovation and biomedical entrepreneurship and the growth of the sick-care industry, they should pay attention to patient and physician entrepreneurs as leading indicators. Bureaucrats, politicians, and regulators should be thought of as lagging indicators.– See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/05/physician-entrepreneurs-are-leading-indicators#sthash.SipuY71G.dpuf

The Only Country Where It Is OK to Not Be Good at Math

Americans rank last in problem solving using technology. In the 1970s, the US had the most educated workforce in the world. Since 2000, the skills and knowledge of US high-school graduates have stagnated while those of other countries have increased rapidly. That failure to adapt means global employers can get cheaper, better educated labor in many… Weiter »

‘Excuse me. I need to check something at the desk.’

Patients say they don’t like it when their doctors spend more time hunched over a computer keyboard than they do talking to them during a visit. How do you think patients will respond when their doctor pulls out an iPhone in front of them, calls Siri or Cortana and says, “What’s wrong with this patient?” –… Weiter »

5 Ways to Fill the Clinical Empathy Gap

Empathy, compassion, and patience seem to be in short supply in the examining room, the classroom, and the operating room. Patients increasingly are feeling like their doctors simply don’t care and students and trainees feel that the culture of medical education is abusive and counterproductive. What’s more, many think it is the reason why unprofessional… Weiter »

Stop Teaching to the Test

In Michael Moore’s new movie, “Who Do We Invade Next?” he paid a visit to Finland to find the secret of how they became the No. 1 educational system in the world. See a clip here. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/05/stop-teaching-to-the-test#sthash.dT7bDG9G.dpuf

Why Are Patients Terrible Consumers of Sick Care?

Patients are terrible consumers of sick care services. Most attribute it to the lack of price and quality of care transparency and the incentives to make rational purchases. However, as behavioral economists have learned, consumers are not rational but, instead, are driven by strong psychological and emotional factors that explain patterns of consumption. What’s more,… Weiter »

The Chemistry of Prosperity

Many regions, states and countries are facing serious economic problems, like unemployment, dropping commodities prices, environmental damage, and malnutrition. Economists will tell you that, in the long run, a rising standard of living depends on increasing productivity and have pointed to entrepreneurship as a critical substrate to make the reaction flow. The US is experiencing… Weiter »

Consider Startup Inequality When Choosing a Medical School or Residency

Income inequality is getting worse. So is entrepreneurship inequality. In a new report, a few communities and ecosystems are getting bigger and the rest are floundering. That concentration of startup activity is unusual, economists say. During the economic recovery of the early 1990s, 125 counties combined to generate half the total new business establishments in the… Weiter »

10 University Incubator Challenges

Business incubators and accelerators are designed to create and launch startup companies and have exploded around the world since their inception in the late 1950s. Many are located or based on university campuses either within the technology transfer office or a business school or engineering school. Many health systems now have Innovation Centers. – See more… Weiter »

We Should Reward Academic Faculty Social Media Participation

Many academics participate on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter for personal use. In addition, many are using it to promote their academic publications and participation in clinical online repositories as a way to broaden the dissemination and expand the impact of opinions, care guidelines, and education. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/05/we-should-reward-academic-faculty-social-media-participation#sthash.OktkwWYW.dpuf