Categoría: Blog

The Digital Health Cloud is Darkening

There are storm clouds over Silicon Valley and the smart money can see them clearly. Digital health, the dog that the tech tail waves, might not be far behind. Doctors know it. Many patients know it. Even Google Ventures knows it, which may be the most important headline since, when it comes to Sick Care, nobody listens… Leer más »

Advice to a Banking Dropout

People are losing faith in corporate America and what they see as the results of free market capitalism gone wild. The latest example is a hedge fund manager who, after acquiring the rights to a drug, raised the price to $750 from $13.50 overnight, simply because he felt he could.– See more at:

It’s About Time

For many businesses, the core component of their business model is demand management. Go to any fast food drive-thru, fly Southwest, or send your package in time for it to arrive by Christmas Day and you’ll see what I mean. The value proposition is that they will deliver you, their product or service, or your… Leer más »

The Medical Paperwork Reduction Act of 2016

Sick care is broken. The processes of delivering care to patients and families are burdensome, time consuming, frustrating, laden with administrivia, and causing a deterioration of how doctors, nurses and other medical personnel deal with those who need their care. It is particularly irksome for the increasing numbers of seniors with chronic, complex illnesses taking… Leer más »

8 Stupid Business Tricks

We all like stupid pet tricks and stupid human tricks videos on You Tube. But wait. There’s more. Now we have stupid business tricks to entertain you. – See more at:

Watching the Parade Go By

Bloggers, pundits, and experts are delivering two messages when it comes to health entrepreneurship: it’s the only way we will innovate our way out of our Sick Care mess or it’s a terrible idea and it is eroding medical professionalism, further subjecting patients and their pocketbooks to the ills of capitalism. – See more at:… Leer más »

Who Should Measure Your Doctor’s Performance and How?

They say you get what you measure. But, in Sick Care, what “they” don’t say is who should do the measuring and how. There has been a firestorm around maintenance of certification (MOC); using the “patient experience” to judge physicians has come under scrutiny and linking board certification to outcomes is questionable – See more… Leer más »

The New War on Drugs

More and more patients are paying more and more out of pocket for prescription drugs. The average cost of employer-based coverage is now $17,000 and patients are digger deeper and deeper into their pockets, particularly for drugs like the HCV drug, Sovaldi. – See more at:

Generational Stereotyping Is Stupid

The new media game is generational stereotyping. It started with the Great Generation, those who lived through the Depression, World War II, and the Great Economic Boom of the Post-war period, moved on to the Baby Boomers, the Echo Boomers, the Millennials, and now Gen Z. Every article starts with the mandatory “7 Things you Need to… Leer más »

Bought Not Sold

There is a saying about real estate that it is bought not sold and that you make money when you buy, not when you sell. If a prospective buyer does not feel the love or smell the freshly baked cookies at the showing, no amount of curb appeal, per-square-foot price analysis, or staging will usually… Leer más »