Catégorie : Blogue

When Your Brand is Damaged, You Need to ACT

Volkswagen, many politicians and arguably, the AMA and many academic medical centers, have damaged brands. You might have one too. Crisis management plans attempt to deal with catastrophic events, but a damaged brand can be the result of a chronic disease, not just an acute one. What’s more, few businesses have a crisis management plan… Lire la suite »

What is the Future of the Direct-to-Consumer Model in Healthcare?

There is a lot of money sloshing around digital health and investors are scratching their heads and becoming wary and suspect of outcomes. One concern is the viability of a direct-to-consumer business model instead of business-to-business or business-to-business-to-consumer models. – See more at:

Health Insurance University

Congratulations. You have been accepted to the 2016 Class of Health Insurance University. You have been accepted to a very exclusive group of providers and patients who have no clue about health insurance, how much it costs, how to use it, and what your copay and deductibles will be when you access care. – See… Lire la suite »

Your Next Innovation Opportunity is Sitting in Your Exam Room

Biomedical and health innovation and entrepreneurial opportunity is everywhere, yet some don’t see it. One place that might not be evident is the patient sitting in front of you in the examining room.  – See more at:

Just Pay Us

Please find enclosed your statement for your recent visit. In an effort to increase and speed up your payment (and make the payment process simple, convenient, and secure for you), you now have the ability to pay your bill on your mobile device. – See more at:

It’s Not Just Dirty Money, But Fattening Too

Doctors have taken a lot of flak for accepting money from Big Device, Big Pharma, and Big Digital to promote, study, or use their products. As a result, conflict of interest laws and regulations are stricter and reporting requirements to everything from the medical staff office to the National Institutes of Health are in place.–… Lire la suite »

A Letter to Your Doctor in Congress

Dear Congressperson: I am writing to you as a member of your district and a fellow physician concerned about the future of how we care for patients. As you well know from your experience as a practitioner and lawmaker, we are facing big challenges that are taking a toll on not just patients and doctors,… Lire la suite »

How to Fill the Medtech Innovation Pipeline

Like all things Sick Care, Medtech is in transition, searching for new ways to do business and make profits. Confronted with a desiccating innovation pipeline and investor interest, CEOs are searching for answers and shareholders are keeping score.– See more at:

Improving Your Patient Selection

I once saw a patient in consultation for a nasal deformity. She claimed her husband didn’t like the way her nose looked, she was 100 pounds overweight, a Type 2 diabetic, and a smoker. I said no, I would not operate on her.  – See more at: