The SoPE Foundation solicits grants and other contributions to support SOPE’s educational and philanthropic programs, including providing critical funding for the SoPE Innovation Scholarship Program, SoPE national and international professional meetings, and the Blakely Visiting Lectureship Series (in honor of Jim Blakely). Founded in 2011 by Jim Blakely and Drs. Arlen Meyers, Jeff Hausfeld and Steve Levine, the foundation is critical to the planning and implementation of SoPE’s regional, national and international activities.
In the interest of driving innovation in healthcare, the SoPE Foundation focuses on empowering healthcare innovators with vehicles to imagine greater, resolve medical challenges faster and embrace the international dialogue sooner. The foundation provides financial and strategic support for physicians and other professionals to improve healthcare for people around the world.
SoPE Innovation Scholarship Program
In an effort to provide physicians with a hands-on bio-entrepreneurship experience, SoPE launched the Innovation Scholar Program. SoPE works with leading biomedical companies interested in offering practical work experience programs for physicians.
Blakely Visiting Lectureship Series
To honor SoPE co-founder, James Brian Blakely, whose passion was to support physicians, the Blakely Visiting Lectureship Series was created to fund diverse educational events featuring a collection of world-renowned speakers.
Individuals and non-profits can make a difference by giving to the tax-exempt SoPE Foundation. The foundation accepts grants and contributions of any amount and has several contributor recognition programs for various levels of support. The Society of Physician Entrepreneurs Foundation is organized as a section 501(c)(3) charity and has been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS. Donations to the foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Dr. Arlen Meyers
président et cofondateur
“Our mission is to help our members get their ideas to patients, and we do that by providing education, resources and networks…what we do is connect dots, so our members can create things.”
Le Dr Meyers est professeur retraité d'oto-rhino-laryngologie, de dentisterie et d'ingénierie au campus médical Anschutz de l'université du Colorado et président-directeur général de SoPE. Il a fondé plusieurs entreprises de dispositifs médicaux et est également cofondateur d'une entreprise de tourisme médical. Ses recherches portent principalement sur l'innovation biomédicale et sanitaire, l'esprit d'entreprise et la commercialisation des technologies des sciences de la vie. Il consulte et intervient auprès d'entreprises, de gouvernements, de collèges et d'universités du monde entier qui ont besoin d'expertise et de contacts dans les domaines de la bio-entreprise, des biosciences, des soins de santé, de l'informatique médicale, du tourisme médical - national et international -, du développement de nouveaux produits, de la conception de produits et du financement de nouvelles entreprises. Le Dr Meyers est un boursier Fulbright et un ancien Harvard-Macy Fellow. Membre dévoué et prolifique de la communauté SoPE, le Dr Meyers dirige également le chapitre du Colorado de SoPE.
Dr. Jeffrey Hausfeld
chairman & co-founder
“The Society of Physician Entrepreneurs stands at the crossroads of innovation and commercialization in healthcare and the life sciences.”
With over two decades of active practice in otolaryngology and a list of successful healthcare and real estate ventures, Dr. Hausfeld is a consummate physician entrepreneur. His diverse expertise spans both medicine and business, allowing practical insights into bioentrepreneurship and innovation attainable only through years of experience. In addition to leading the National Capital Chapter of SoPE, he is tasked with being the SoPE Global Chapter Coordinator, establishing the guidelines and framework to set up new SoPE Chapters throughout the world. Dr. Hausfeld’s commitment to SoPE derives from his dedication to improving healthcare delivery and his belief in the platform’s ability to connect similar forward-thinking individuals.
Dr. Steven Levine
director & co-founder
“SoPE is really a misnomer – it’s a Society of Patient-Centered Entrepreneurs that includes physicians, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, researchers, engineers, lawyers, accountants, investors, etc.”
Médecin praticien spécialisé en oto-rhino-laryngologie et en allergologie, le Dr Levine exerce dans le Connecticut depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans et est professeur adjoint de chirurgie clinique à l'université de Yale. Outre ses intérêts commerciaux dans la fourniture de produits de diagnostic auditif, le Dr Levine s'intéresse tout particulièrement au marché en plein essor des technologies de l'information dans le domaine de la santé et possède une expertise dans le développement d'outils et de logiciels conformes à la loi HIPAA. Le Dr Levine dirige également le chapitre Tristate New York de la SoPE, en mettant l'accent sur son intégration dans la communauté des bio-entrepreneurs de New York.