श्रेणी: ब्लॉग

10 Reasons Your Doctor Won’t Text You

When it comes to what patients want from eCare technologies and what doctors provide, there is a big gap. For example, in a recent survey, 27% of respondents said their doctor had a nurse-manned advice line, but only 14% said it was available 24/7. Thirteen percent said their physician had evening and weekend hours, while another 37% said… Read more »

When a Physician Leaves Practice, Do We Really All Lose?

The author of a recent article claimed that “we all lose” when an experienced physician prematurely leaves clinical medicine. Of course, it is inevitable that a clinical career will come to an end, but whether patients and society suffer depends on what that retiring doctor does next. More and more, it seems, they pursue other ways… Read more »

How to Divorce Yourself

Alternative career planning, particularly for doctors, starts with divorcing yourself before you can move on. This particularly applies to physicians interested in biomedical and health entrepreneurship. Those who have had independent practices want to maintain control of their fate and those who have been employed usually want to get off the W-2 train. – See… Read more »

We Need Your Help

For many years, The American Society of Surviving Physicians and Surgeons has made a critical commitment to the profession. But, only 20% of the combined ASS-PS annual budget comes from membership dues. I am personally asking for your support to promote our mission: To help members like you fight for the right to be called… Read more »

How to Improve Academy-Industry Knowledge Exchange

A very, very small percentage of basic research is commercialized and there may be as few as one near-term commercialization for every $10 million invested in fundamental research. While some presidential candidates wants to declare war on diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease as a way to address potential Medicare funding shortfalls, they are not… Read more »

10 Reasons Why House Calls Are a Bad Idea

Some doctors think we should make more house calls to get closer to the patients and get a better understanding of how their living habits and social circumstances are affecting their health. While nostalgic and reminiscent of horse and buggy days, there are many reasons why house calls are a bad idea:– See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2015/11/10-reasons-why-house-calls-are-a-bad-idea#sthash.EWmOspV6.dpuf

10 Signs It Might Be Time to Quit Medical Practice

According to recent polls, a significant proportion of doctors would not recommend a career in medicine to their children. They are disenchanted and feel they have lost control of their job and profession. They’re burned out. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2015/11/10-signs-it-might-be-time-to-quit-medical-practice#sthash.VwwAyTRE.dpuf

The 5 Stages of the Doctor-Patient Relationship

The traditional notion of the doctor-patient relationship is under stress and people are searching for ways to repair it. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2015/10/the-5-stages-of-the-doctor-patient-relationship#sthash.UN5eitk1.dpuf

Screen Time vs. Face Time?

Doctors are angry about EMRs and pushing back. They are complaining that screen time is getting in the way of face time with patients and it is contributing to the already mountain of stress and burnout and interfering with just letting doctors be doctors… “Just a glorified billing platform with the patient stuff tacked on.” –… Read more »

Can Solo Physician Practice Survive?

I can remember walking to elementary school and passing several solo doctor offices with a shingle hanging on a post in the front. They were usually modest offices in the ground floor of another residential building or store front and they served as a convenient community resource. Most were solo general practitioners who had affiliations with community… Read more »