‘Dumbbell’ Virtual Team Management

Graduate students and health professionals enrolled in our course in bioentrepreneurship at the Jabs Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado are required to break up into project teams the first week of class. The group project team assignment is to pick a biomedical or clinical innovation opportunity, and on the last day of class, give a 20-minute presentation describing 1) their proposed solution, 2) a commercial or rollout feasibility assessment, 3) a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy, and 4) whether they want to kill the idea and why or further develop it and move to next steps. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/06/dumbbell-virtual-team-management#sthash.6Yrar6fV.dpuf