Categoria: Blog

The trouble with innovating with doctors

Doctors , at least theoretically, should be able to add a lot to the biomedical and health innovation supply chain. The reality is different. There are many barriers to engaging clinicians in the creation, development, testing, validation and deployment of new medical technologies and the reasons falll into several cagtegories:

How to build an international referral network

Medical travel continues to grow, either outbound, inbound or domestic, and there are many reasons why doctors should be paying attention. The industry still has a way to go before it becomes universally accepted, pricing is not transparent, and the business models are not defined or consistent.

Waiting line or bottom line?

Customers are expected to do more for themselves, whether it’s in the grocery line, the gas station, the airline check-in counter or , of course, on online commerce sites. In the future, patients will be doing the same thing.

When will medical travel get real traction?

Despite the research reports, eco-devo white papers, industry analyses and industry marketing hype, medical travel/medical tourism is still an early stage industry looking for the right formula for success.

The making of a snackpreneur

Most of us who are interested in healthcare entrepreneurship are drawn to it because we hope to make a positive impact on the health and wellness of others. Healthcare innovation, however, is not limited to the popular realms of digital health, medical device, biotech, and pharmaceuticals. There are indeed many ways to create and deliver… Leggi tutto »

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Fly-Fishing

One of the joys of living in the West, and Colorado in particular, is having access to thousands of miles of rivers and streams where you can fly fish for cutthroat, rainbows, brown and brook trout.

The patient is not always right

Patients are turning into customers or clients and, in many instances, citizen doctors and scientists, donating their DNA and money to the betterment of science and medicine via Internet platforms. In addition, satisfying patients has become big business with dollars and reputations riding on the results. A recent Hastings Center report questions the entire business.

Your new best friend

Robots are getting smarter, cheaper, faster, more empathic and friendlier and are likely to appear more and more at a sick care facility near you. They take a little getting used to , like the new neighbors next door, but, if you take some time to know them, they are really nice.

If Sickcare were a stratup

The last time I called ADT about a home security problem, I was put on hold for 20 minutes, I was given advice that did not solve the problem and I was scheduled for a service call in 10 days and “told” that I needed to be available between noon-5PM because they couldn’t telll when… Leggi tutto »

The 10 Rules of Othercare

The alternative to Obamacare is Othercare. In other words,  employed and independent practitioners can struggle using old models of care and try to chase their tail every time the government and payers issue new rules, or, you can be innovative and be proactive. Skate with the puck v skating to where the puck will be…. Leggi tutto »