カテゴリー: Blog

10 Reasons Doctors Don’t Care About Customer Service

Patient-customer service, to put it mildly, is an opportunity for improvement. Yet, most of the things that bug patients before, during, and after the visit can be fixed by the doctor and care team. Everyone knows that patients are angry when they have to wait, and sick-care billing and collection makes patients angry.  – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/10-reasons-doctors-dont-care-about-customer-service#sthash.LcYqjXtD.dpuf

What Should Be on the Physician Entrepreneurship Research Agenda?

Research into entrepreneurship and what makes entrepreneurs tick has exploded, and, like every other major discipline, the information is difficult to map and digest. The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation has created a resource map, State of the Field, which helps to organize the information. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/what-should-be-on-the-physician-entrepreneurship-research-agenda#sthash.UtCshZgB.dpuf

The Other 20% of the Time: Surgeons Going AWOL

Woody Allen famously quipped that “80% of success is showing up.” He didn’t say for how long. When it comes to surgeons in the OR, this has become an issue. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/the-other-20-of-the-time-surgeons-going-awol#sthash.fJ6vCP65.dpuf

The Politics of Innovation: What to Listen for This Election Cycle

Ever since Machiavelli, innovation has meant different things to different people. Most can’t define it. Consequently, some oppose it and other support it. Some are labeled “heretics” for advocating change, others are cheered as champions. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/the-politics-of-innovation-what-to-listen-for-this-election-cycle#sthash.m5WseKT1.dpuf

10 Ways to Create Medical Student Entrepreneurs

Biomedical and clinical innovation and entrepreneurship has begun to take its rightful place alongside anatomy, biochemistry, and clinical medicine in medical school. The process has been slow, but we are seeing more and more evidence of medical student engagement and interest. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/10-ways-to-create-medical-student-entrepreneurs#sthash.d7yVkHcu.dpuf

Therantology: What Can We Learn from the Theranos Ordeal?

The Theranos story continues to unfold in the headlines and will likely be the stuff of Harvard Business School cases for years to come. Here is a brief history of Theranos, its blood-testing device, and the trouble in which they now find themselves. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/therantology-what-can-we-learn-from-the-theranos-ordeal#sthash.lsEK0lOH.dpuf

The Broken Clinical Trials Ecosystem

Testing your product in humans to demonstrate its safety and effectiveness is a critical step in getting regulatory approval, investor interest, and customer-patients. The clinical trial system for biopharma and medtech, however, has several flaws, and, for digital health, is virtually non-existent.  – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/the-broken-clinical-trials-ecosystem#sthash.6Ij1nZ23.dpuf

Picking Only ‘Smart’ Medical Students Is Stupid

Alexander Astin, a professor emeritus at the University of California at Los Angeles, believes that too many faculty members “have come to value merely being smart more than developing smartness.” That line comes from his new book, “Are You Smart Enough? How Colleges’ Obsession With Smartness Shortchanges Students.” – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/picking-only-smart-medical-students-is-stupid#sthash.gYRefXik.dpuf

The Future of Wearables

When it comes to remote sensing, we need to understand the basic science before we go to the bedside to start seeing patients. Here’s what will be on the test: – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/the-future-of-wearables#sthash.nnS8i8hY.dpuf

7 Things You Should Never Mention About Healthcare

More and more sick-care topics are verboten. Given the increasing polarization of Americans and American politics, you simply can’t mention certain topics without creating hard feelings, or worse, physical harm.  – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/7-things-you-should-never-mention-about-healthcare#sthash.RyKXRt9T.dpuf