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#Metoo Medicine

Women make up more than 50% of medical school students. Yet, only slightly more than 30% of the US physician workforce are women. That differs from other countries. With looming physician shortages across the U.S., it makes sense to address extra career barriers common to women physicians. Equal pay, respectful treatment, greater visibility and meaningful support for family responsibilities could go a long way to help. In addition, the barriers to female physicians translates into disparate outcomes for female patients. The issues are: Equal pay. Here’s how to close the gender pay gap. Abuse and assault Childcare and family issues The glass ceiling Women have long faced historical and socio-demographic barriers to receiving and accessing care,… もっと読む »

The 4 C’s of the MBA: Worth the price for a doctor?

Physicians are used to getting credentials, so it’s no surprise that those who are interested in the business of healthcare and medicine consider getting MBAs. However, before you invest the time, effort and money enrolling in an MBA program, ask yourself the following questions: 1. What is your goal? Most physicians who get MBAs do it because they have career aspirations in health services administration or public policy or think that getting a business degree will confer some survival advantage in the rapidly changing world of healthcare. A few are interested in biomedical and health innovation and entrepreneurship. My view is that most MBA programs, including those offered as part… もっと読む »

Let the sickcare games begin

The Holy Grail of sickcare is changing patient and sickcare professional behavior to address the quintuple aims: quality, cost, equitable access, experience and administrative waste. Behavioral economists are recommending tactics like nudges and games. Observing patterns and paying attention to what’s going on in the world is a key entrepreneurial attribute. In case you missed it, as reported, Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) is buying “Call of Duty” maker Activision Blizzard (ATVI.O) for $68.7 billion in the biggest gaming industry deal in history as global technology giants stake their claims to a virtual future. The deal announced by Microsoft , its biggest-ever and set to be the largest all-cash acquisition on record, will bolster its firepower in the booming videogaming… もっと読む »

The entitlement mindset

Innovation starts with mindset. For physician entrepreneurs, there is the entrepreneurial mindset and the clinical mindset. They are not the same. Here are some rookie mindset mistakes. Then, there is the entitlement mindset. A basic definition from the Cambridge Dictionary defines entitlement as “the feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because of who you are.” Therefore, the entitlement mentality happens when entitlement becomes second nature, or an assumed “fact.” Doctors, students, politicians, entertainers and elite athletes come to mind. In the case of doctors, some have called it medical exceptionalism. Here’s how to spot a physician wannapreneur. So what’s… もっと読む »

How to be a happy entrepreneur

Patricia Hempl has written The Art of the Wasted Day.In it, she posits that the founding fathers didn’t do us a favor when they charged us with the pursuit of happiness. Psychologists, authors and philosophers, you see, have been telling us for 2000 years that the first and most important key to finding happiness may be the most difficult for many people (especially those reading this article): To find happiness you must not seek it! In other words, the more you try to find happiness, the more it will elude you. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) said it best, “Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which,… もっと読む »

Why you need a physician career strategy

COVID has transformed the workplace and workplace attitudes. Sickcare and healthcare professionals are no exception. Many are finding that the job or career they have is no longer what they signed up for and they are neither willing nor able to adapt. Many don’t want to work for their boss any more or want to work from home. If you are a physician or other sickcare professional, now is the time to reconsider your career strategy. Why? The environment has radically changed There is no job security The opportunities to serve your purpose in medicine have expanded You might need to find another job or career because you have to… もっと読む »