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Leveraging Social Networks for Medical Entrepreneurs

By Daniel Lee Fueled by the legendary stories of startups from humble beginnings, solitary entrepreneurs are portrayed against a backdrop of dimly-lit garages, working on their inventions to unleash to the world. In reality successful entrepreneurs rarely operate this way. Innovations require the knowledge and focus of their creators but translating them into viable businesses requires an entire team of people with complementary skills and functions. Interacting with people whether within or beyond the team – aka networking – is essential at nearly every step of the business building process. Some would even claim that your network will ultimately determine your net worth. Online platforms, connectivity, and mobile tech have… もっと読む »

Indiana Chapter

The SoPE Indiana Chapter is the regional chapter for the non-profit global biomedical and healthcare innovation network SoPE. Membership is open to medical professionals and other stakeholders in healthcare. Members include doctors, nurses, dentists, healthcare entrepreneurs, investors, engineers, IT professionals, and industry representatives. SoPE is here to provide the network to encourage, educate, and connect biomedical and healthcare entrepreneurs so that new ideas get a chance – The Society operates in the very early stages of innovation commercialization; encouraging physicians and other medical professional entrepreneurs with ideas about how to improve healthcare to explore the possibilities and empowering them should they decide to take those initial steps in the “go… もっと読む »


Thurs 18 April 2017 Jeffery Hausfeld, MD, Founder Society of Physician Entrepreneurs (SOPE) Washington, DC Dr. Hausfeld: Our entrepreneurial business, FutureLife.US, has enormous potential to help people troubled by trauma, including PTSD victims, victims of urban trauma and others with a range of emotional and psychological issues. It was great seeing you again last week, April 5th, the first time since we saw you last June 2016. We are myself, John Kilmer, CEO, and Dr. William “Bill” D’alelio, our Chief Medical Officer, the two of us co-founders of FutureLife.US. I want to express my deepest thanks to you, Sir, for not only your presence in SOPE, but for your leadership… もっと読む »

SoPE Chapter Update!

Arlen Meyers Jeff Hausfeld The Society of Physician Entrepreneurs (SoPE) is a global, non-profit, open biomedical and clinical innovation and entrepreneurship network. Our mission is to get ideas to patients by providing our interdisciplinary members with education, resources, networks, mentors and experiential learning primarily through our international network of chapters. SoPE chapters are led by physician entrepreneurs in collaboration with other partners in their areas. The goals of the chapter are to support the mission of SOPE, provide a local forum for education and networking and to recruit dues paying members ($75/yr) and chapter or SOPE corporate sponsors. Here is the Meetup site for the Colorado Chapter that will give you… もっと読む »

Cyber: A Healthcare Must Have

Cyber: A Healthcare Must Have How to Build a Cost Effective and Profitable Cyber Capability Suzanne E. Kecmer Digisol, Inc Digisolinc.com skecmer@gmail.com There are a lot of valid reasons not to invest in a cyber security capability — for example, it is completely foreign to core expertise, the return on investment does not seem to justify the expense, attracting high quality talent is difficult and retention is almost impossible, and no matter what you do the defenses you deploy on your network will ultimately not be viable in the long run as attackers become more sophisticated. On the other hand, a step up in federal and industry regulations, increased consumer… もっと読む »

Don’t Launch Your New Brand Until You Read This!

Congratulations! You have discovered your next business idea that will change the world! In addition to starting your business operations now there are logos and taglines and websites, and social media marketing to consider. You have all your ducks in a row…or at least, you think you do. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of creating something new and to forget that becoming a brand requires a lot more than a great logo, tagline, and website. All that shiny stuff is just window-dressing. The research, positioning, and messaging are the real nuts and bolts behind a brand strategy. As you read through the below list, it’s natural… もっと読む »

Leveraging Social Media for Healthcare Innovation

  The Boring Company is an infrastructure and tunneling company founded by Elon Musk in late 2016. With this new company, founder of Tesla, SpaceX, and Paypal, Elon Musk proposes the building of a network of tunnels many levels deep that would alleviate traffic, be weatherproof, and enable travel from Washington DC to New York in 30 minutes or less. In theory, it is a more practical mode of transportation than the flying cars that may have inhabited our imaginations at some point in time. Although we may aspire to be as innovative as Elon, “Boring” is not a title that many of us would be proud to assign to… もっと読む »