タグ: entrepreneurship

Physician Entrepreneurship and the Path to Success with Dr. Jeffrey Hausfeld

This description was taken from DocWorking: The Whole Physician Podcast. To listen to the full podcast please visit this link. “For physicians that are feeling frustrated, I would say to them, ‘Sit back. Take a breath. See really what you want and if the path of going to start a new company is what you want, then give it your full attention. And if you see you can’t give it your full attention, hook up with someone that will help you.’ Because physicians feel, ‘It’s my idea, I want to own 100% of this company.’ And my answer to them is, ‘100% of nothing is still nothing.’” -Dr. Jeffrey Hausfeld… もっと読む »

The Art of Crafting a Non-Binding Term Sheet

One of the most meaningful milestones for start-ups and young companies is the establishment of a relationship with a larger pharma company, medical device/diagnostics firm, or provider network. You have spent a long time and countless hours going to partnering events, “kissing many frogs”, and dancing with partners that had two left feet! Now is the time to put YOUR best foot forward, now is the time to tell a compelling and cohesive story, now is the time to prioritize your terms and conditions, now is the time to solicit and nurture strategic collaboration, now is the time to prove to all stakeholders that you can maximize value for all… もっと読む »

Positioning Your Startups for Success

Jeffrey Hausfeld MD, MBA, is the Chairman of the Board of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, who moderated a panel for Pismo Venture’s first Life science Symposium. This panel details how you can position your start-ups for success with panelists from the community. Panelists include: Errol Arkilic, PhD is a nationally recognized leader in technology transfer and entrepreneurship, is the Chief Innovation Officer at the University of California, Irvine, and Executive Director for UCI Beall Applied Innovation. Previously, Errol was the founding and lead program director for the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps program where he led the I-Corps effort from its inception. Erika Bechtold, PhD is currently leading US… もっと読む »

What you should learn from the Google Health failure

There used to be a time when almost everyone was asking, “What would Google do with sickcare?” Google health has pulled the plug on their sickcare venture. So did Haven. So did Microsoft. Maybe if the folks in the corner offices (remember those) or at their beach villas working from home talked to some doctors sooner, things might have been better. You remember who doctors are, right? They are those people in the white coats who actually take care of the patients you are trying to convince to use your products. Here are some ideas on how to find them. However, Google, by no means, is getting out of the sickcare business. Google says it… もっと読む »

So, You Have an Idea, But Do You Have a Clue?

By Eric Kirsch, Leader of SoPE Charlotte, North Carolina Chapter So the surgeon turns to me and says “I would love to tell you my idea, but first I need you to sign this NDA”. I chuckle for a few seconds. But my answer is “no”.  These days I get approached by a lot of colleagues who want to share with me their brilliant ideas for a world-changing healthcare innovation. These closet entrepreneurs have gone through intense medical training and society has convinced them that they are very smart people. Most of them are. However, that same training often ignores, nay suppresses, an entrepreneurial mindset. Our discussions are like an… もっと読む »

SoPE & The Japan Ministry of Health

In the last decade, entrepreneurial spirit within the United States has grown rapidly across various industries, but especially in the medical and healthcare fields. Many practicing physicians have entered the entrepreneurial world, creating new inventions themselves, launching companies or acting as consultants or advisors for medical device companies. We often we take for granted the entrepreneurial spirit in the United States. Jeffery Hausfeld, MD, MBA, FACS and Rania Nasis, MD, MBA had the pleasure of speaking with individuals from Chiyo, the Japanese Ministry of Health about the success of medical and healthcare entrepreneurial ventures in the United States and how physicians and their roles have evolved over the last decade,… もっと読む »

The entrepreneurial v the clinical mindset

Innovation starts with the right mindset. For that reason, doctors with a clinical mindset have some characteristics that are entrepreneurial keys. However, there are many more entrepreneurial mindset traits they lack. So, if you are a sick care professional, like a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, dentist or allied health professional interested in entrepreneurship or a non-clinical career pivot, then you not only have to change your mind about things, you will have to change your mindset as well. The 14 scales measured by the second (and final) version of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP). Personality Scales Independence: The desire to work with a high degree of independence (e.g., I’m uncomfortable when expected to follow… もっと読む »

How to find your innerpreneur

There are entrepreneurs and there are intrapreneurs, employees acting like entrepreneurs with in their organizations.. But few recognize that there are many innerpreneurs. The entomology of the entrepreneurial life cycle resembles an insect that goes from the egg to the larval to the pupal to the adult phase. If just takes fertilization for the process to begin. Innerpreneurs are latent entrepreneurs but just need a push to get going. Many physicians, scientists and engineers, more than we admit, have it in them, but they need some help to realize it. Many doctors associate overachievement with love. Consequently, they are masters at doing what they are told to get to the next level of achievement…. もっと読む »

How to speak to a narcissistic entrepreneur

Imagine you are at a cocktail party and, inevitably, at least in the US, one of the first questions will be, “So, what do you do?”  NB: Do not ask this as the first question when in Europe or Asia. The answer: “I’m a physician entrepreneur”. Now what? Consider it an exercise in cultural competence with a dose of psychology thrown in too. Here are some things you should know about narcissistic personality disorder. Do you know or work with someone like this? The “key negative traits” of a narcissist in a work setting They demonstrate a clear lack of empathy for how others feel or what they need. They often… もっと読む »

How to Create Medical Student Entrepreneurs

Biomedical and clinical innovation and entrepreneurship has begun to take its rightful place along side anatomy, biochemistry and clinical medicine in medical school. The process has been slow, but we are seeing the evidence of medical student engagement and interest. Here are 10 ways to stimulate medical student interest and achievement in bioentrepreneurship: 1. Create bioentrepreneurship programs that are convenient, affordable and fit into the workflow of medical students and their curriculum. 2. Train the trainers by educating and training basic science and clinical faculty  3. Use education models that are familiar, like Innovation Grand Rounds, Company Clinicopathologic Conferences and “see one, do one, teach one” strategies, emphasizing experiential learning under… もっと読む »