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Where to Find the Future of Healthcare

Most doctors think that they will find the future of healthcare, both sick-care and preventive medicine, at medical meetings. At one time, I was one of those and even thought I was preaching it when invited to speak, participate in a panel, or present a paper. I was wrong. Now I believe that the future… Read more »

10 Reasons Why Doctors Don’t Think They Are Entrepreneurs

The conventional wisdom about doctors is filled with myths. My favorites are 1) doctors are lousy with money, and 2) doctors are by their very nature and training risk averse, and 3) doctors don’t have what it takes to be an entrepreneur or a business person, and 4) if you are not taking care of… Read more »

A Second Opinion on Second Opinions

Medical travel means leaving home for care. But, when it comes to second opinions from practitioners around the world, the existence of companies that can provide direct-to-patient access means you don’t necessarily need to leave your living room – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2015/07/a-second-opinion-on-second-opinions#sthash.stf33E5U.dpuf

How Should We Treat the July Effect?

Caution! The doctor you see in July was a medical student just last month. That wouldn’t be an issue if they were competent to take care of you, but, unfortunately, in most instances the research indicates they are not. That results in the July effect. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2015/07/how-should-we-treat-the-july-effect?e5=&utm_source=Informz&utm_medium=PMD&utm_campaign=PMD_7-7-15#sthash.sZdafa6r.dpuf

10 Reasons Doctors Should Ditch Voice Mail

Voice mail is so ‘90s. JP Morgan agrees and is eliminating voicemail for thousands of employees who do not take calls from customers, at a savings of $10 a month per person.

The Patient-Doctor Technocommunication Gap

There are many gaps to realizing the full potential of digital health and helping patients and their families connect with doctors and other members of the care team using information and communications technologies (ICTs). – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2015/07/the-patient-doctor-technocommunication-gap#sthash.5x44l4We.dpuf

The Life Science Innovation Roadmap

Getting ideas to patients can be a difficult, expensive, time consuming and frustrating experience. It takes many skills and personality traits to be successful and, certainly, a lot of luck.

The Life Science Innovation Roadmap

Getting ideas to patients can be a difficult, expensive, time consuming and frustrating experience. It takes many skills and personality traits to be successful and, certainly, a lot of luck.

Learning Entrepreneurship

The argument about whether entrepreneurship can be learned never seems to stop. The “nature” advocates say learning entrepreneurship is an oxymoron. The “nurture”advocates say of course you can learn it.. And then there are those somewhere in the middle.