कॅटेगरी: Blog

Free (Grand) Standing ERs

Free-standing emergency rooms are growing like weeds in affluent neighborhoods. The idea is to bring the mountain to patients. However, the phenomenon is creating problems and getting the attention of state legislators whose constituents feel misled about prices and about how free-standing ERs are different from other newly created care delivery channels like urgent care centers,… Read more »

Physicians Shouldn’t Have to Choose Between Clinical Practice and Entrepreneurship

Physicians are becoming more entrepreneurial in response to threats to their practices and the sick-care innovation imperative. Some, particularly those without a medical background or who have never practiced medicine, ask whether doctors should be doctors or entrepreneurs and press them to commit to being “all in” if they are to be successful as a… Read more »

How Millennials Will Change the Healthcare Industry

I recently attended an event in an area of Denver, named as #1 on a list of best cities to live, which was a former warehouse district that now has been redeveloped as an innovation district, filled with bars, coworking spaces, sports venues, creatives, hoodies, hotels with funny names and lots of startup people. – See… Read more »

The Status of Women in Medicine

International Women’s Day is a time to inventory the status of women in medicine and women physician entrepreneurship in the US and throughout the world. The economic, business, educational, healthcare, social, political, and justice benefits of gender equality around the world are evident. Yet, barriers remain.– See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/03/the-status-of-women-in-medicine#sthash.O4dB3jHl.dpuf

Student Loans and Student Choice

With Match Day just around the corner on March 18th, several issues are coming to the fore. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/03/student-loans-and-student-choice#sthash.FRFU2jUi.dpuf

Hacking Everything

I thought a hack was an amateur or a dilettante. In the computer age, the word morphed into meaning overcoming security blocks. Now it means doing the work-around.  – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/03/hacking-everything#sthash.46PhNYQ0.dpuf

10 Ways to Screw Up Your Patient Portal

Patient portals are supposed to provide patients access to their EMR information and make it easier to interact with their doctors. They are touted as an important weapon in the patient engagement arsenal. Many just misfire. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/03/10-ways-to-screw-up-your-patient-portal#sthash.zi9dPOWl.dpuf

Why Physicians Are Losing the Branding Wars

Maybe the last time you walked into a retail-based clinic, you did not see an MD. Maybe the same thing happened at your hospital outpatient clinic or an urgent care center. Physician “extenders” and advanced practice professionals, such primary care pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants are winning the war on branding. They and their… Read more »

Welcome to March, Home of Match Day Madness

March 18 is Match Day. It’s the day fourth-year medical students find out where they will be doing their residencies and in which specialties. Some have described it like some kind of arranged marriage where you get to meet your bride on your wedding day.  – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/03/welcome-to-march-home-of-match-day-madness#sthash.4Hm8hyEB.dpuf

Oil and Generic Drugs: Finding a Balance Between Market Forces and Regulation

The Saudi Arabian oil minister has announced that his country will continue to pump the black gold despite a global glut and cratering prices. Generic drug prices, in what some have described as a market failure, continue to escalate, much to the dismay of patients, payers, politicians, and pundits. Hospitals and insurance companies continue to… Read more »