The SoPE Foundation

SoPE फाउंडेशन SOPE च्या शैक्षणिक आणि परोपकारी कार्यक्रमांना समर्थन देण्यासाठी अनुदान आणि इतर योगदानांची मागणी करते, ज्यात SoPE इनोव्हेशन स्कॉलरशिप प्रोग्राम, SoPE राष्ट्रीय आणि आंतरराष्ट्रीय व्यावसायिक बैठका आणि ब्लेकली व्हिजिटिंग लेक्चरशिप मालिका (जिम ब्लॅकली यांच्या सन्मानार्थ) साठी महत्त्वपूर्ण निधी प्रदान करणे समाविष्ट आहे. 2011 मध्ये जिम ब्लेकली आणि डॉ. आर्लेन मेयर्स, जेफ हॉसफेल्ड आणि स्टीव्ह लेव्हिन, हे फाउंडेशन SoPE च्या प्रादेशिक, राष्ट्रीय आणि आंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रियाकलापांच्या नियोजन आणि अंमलबजावणीसाठी महत्त्वपूर्ण आहे.

In the interest of driving innovation in healthcare, the SoPE Foundation focuses on empowering healthcare innovators with vehicles to imagine greater, resolve medical challenges faster and embrace the international dialogue sooner. The foundation provides financial and strategic support for physicians and other professionals to improve healthcare for people around the world.

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Dr. Arlen Meyers

president & co-founder

बायो वाचा

Dr. Jeffrey Hausfeld

chairman & co-founder

बायो वाचा

Dr. Steven Levine

director & co-founder

बायो वाचा

SoPE इनोव्हेशन शिष्यवृत्ती कार्यक्रम

डॉक्टरांना जैव-उद्योजकता अनुभव प्रदान करण्याच्या प्रयत्नात, SoPE ने इनोव्हेशन स्कॉलर प्रोग्राम सुरू केला. SoPE डॉक्टरांसाठी व्यावहारिक कार्य अनुभव कार्यक्रम ऑफर करण्यात स्वारस्य असलेल्या आघाडीच्या बायोमेडिकल कंपन्यांसोबत काम करते.

ब्लेकली व्हिजिटिंग लेक्चरशिप मालिका

SoPE सह-संस्थापक, जेम्स ब्रायन ब्लेकली यांचा सन्मान करण्यासाठी, ज्यांची जिद्द चिकित्सकांना समर्थन देण्याची होती, ब्लेकली व्हिजिटिंग लेक्चरशिप मालिका जागतिक-प्रसिद्ध वक्त्यांच्या संग्रहासह वैविध्यपूर्ण शैक्षणिक कार्यक्रमांना निधी देण्यासाठी तयार करण्यात आली होती.


व्यक्ती आणि ना-नफा करमुक्त SoPE फाउंडेशनला देऊन फरक करू शकतात. फाउंडेशन कोणत्याही रकमेचे अनुदान आणि योगदान स्वीकारते आणि समर्थनाच्या विविध स्तरांसाठी अनेक योगदानकर्ता ओळख कार्यक्रम आहेत. सोसायटी ऑफ फिजिशियन एंटरप्रेन्युअर्स फाउंडेशन हे कलम ५०१(सी)(३) धर्मादाय संस्था म्हणून आयोजित केले आहे आणि त्याला IRS द्वारे कर-सवलत दर्जा प्रदान करण्यात आला आहे. फाउंडेशनला देणग्या कायद्याने परवानगी दिलेल्या मर्यादेपर्यंत कर वजावटीच्या आहेत.

दान करा

Dr. Arlen Meyers

president & co-founder

“Our mission is to help our members get their ideas to patients, and we do that by providing education, resources and networks…what we do is connect dots, so our members can create things.”

Dr. Meyers is a retired professor of otolaryngology, dentistry, and engineering at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical campus and President and CEO of SoPE. He has founded several medical device companies and is also the cofounder of a medical tourism company. His primary research centers around biomedical and health innovation and entrepreneurship and life science technology commercialization. He consults for and speaks to companies, governments, colleges and universities around the world who need expertise and contacts in the areas of bio entrepreneurship, bioscience, healthcare, healthcare IT, medical tourism — nationally and internationally, new product development, product design, and financing new ventures. Dr. Meyers is a Fulbright Scholar and a former Harvard-Macy Fellow. A devoted and prolific member of the SoPE community, Dr. Meyers also leads the Colorado Chapter of SoPE.

Dr. Jeffrey Hausfeld

chairman & co-founder

“The Society of Physician Entrepreneurs stands at the crossroads of innovation and commercialization in healthcare and the life sciences.”

With over two decades of active practice in otolaryngology and a list of successful healthcare and real estate ventures, Dr. Hausfeld is a consummate physician entrepreneur. His diverse expertise spans both medicine and business, allowing practical insights into bioentrepreneurship and innovation attainable only through years of experience. In addition to leading the National Capital Chapter of SoPE, he is tasked with being the SoPE Global Chapter Coordinator, establishing the guidelines and framework to set up new SoPE Chapters throughout the world. Dr. Hausfeld’s commitment to SoPE derives from his dedication to improving healthcare delivery and his belief in the platform’s ability to connect similar forward-thinking individuals.

Dr. Steven Levine

director & co-founder

“SoPE is really a misnomer – it’s a Society of Patient-Centered Entrepreneurs that includes physicians, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, researchers, engineers, lawyers, accountants, investors, etc.”

A practicing physician specializing in otolaryngology and allergy, Dr. Levine has a Connecticut private practice for more than twenty-five years and is Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at Yale University. In addition to pursuing business interests in the delivery of auditory healthcare diagnostic products, Dr. Levine has a special interest in the booming market of healthcare information technology and possesses expertise developing HIPAA-compliant tools and software. Dr. Levine also leads the Tristate New York Chapter of SoPE with focus on its integration into the New York bio-entrepreneurship community.