Categoria: Latest News


January Houston SOPE Chapter Quarterly Meeting

On Monday January 23rd, the Houston SOPE chapter held their quarterly meeting.  Their goes speaker was Dr. Martin Lindenberg.  A native of South Africa, Dr. Lindenberg chose a career of entrepreneurship in lieu of practicing clinical medicine.  His talk gave insights into what it takes to make this transition from a clinical physician to an… Ler mais »

Innovating health care from the inside out

After 25 years of performing ear-nose-throat and facial plastic surgeries, Jeff Hausfeld, MD, put down the scalpel and went back to school — business school. Like many doctors who practice for some time, Hausfeld found himself wondering how to “leave a larger footprint” with his career. “How do you affect more people with the time that… Ler mais »

SoPE’s South Carolina chapter launched its first meeting in Charleston, SC

SoPE’s South Carolina chapter launched its first meeting in Charleston, SC at the annual SC Bio Conference.  Over forty entreprenuers, clinicians, and industry leaders attended the meeting to learn about SoPE’s mission and to find out how they can get involved and how they can help the chapter grow.  During the meeting, the mission and… Ler mais »

Special thanks to our PR firm Miller Geer!

James and Jay pitched the SoPE story to a colleague of this reporter. This is what she said about us after she wrote the article: I figured that our readers (mostly doctors and nurses) would like to read about how they can not only acquire more income, but also bring their own ideas to life… Ler mais »

The word that is Music to an Entrepreneur’s ear…”Oversubscribed”!

One of the ventures that I started after stepping down from my clinical practice is called Memory Care Communities of Illinois, LLC. After experiencing first-hand the anguish and devastation that Alzheimer’s and dementia has on a family and the caretakers involved, I knew that this kind of endeavor would fulfill my mission of “doing well… Ler mais »

Getting Ideas to Patients

The SoPE Foundation Crowdfunding Campaign Seeks $250k for Educational Programs The Society of Physician Entrepreneurs announces its charitable foundation’s first-ever crowdfunding campaign—Getting Ideas to Patients—to raise $250,000 by the end of 2014 for educational programs and events. SoPE is the only known organization founded and led by physicians with the specific purpose of providing support… Ler mais »