Рубрика: Блог

The Careers in Medicine Club

According to the report of the National Institutes of Health’s Workforce Working Group in June 2012, just 26% of PhDs in biomedical research move into tenured and tenure-track positions in academia. The numbers are dropping. However, the training of biomedical science graduate students is often still exclusively designed for academic employment. This gap is being addressed many… Read more »

10 Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself

Are you asking yourself questions to make you think harder and more innovatively and be more impactful at work? Research suggests that leaders who ask questions and encourage their team members to find the answers tend to be more effective than those who try to know and do it all themselves. In my experience, you can’t rely… Read more »

There Is No Silver Bullet

Silver bullets act as a calling card for The Lone Ranger in his adventures. The masked man decided to use bullets forged from the precious metal as a symbol of justice, law and order, and to remind himself and others that life, like silver, has value and is not to be wasted or thrown away. – See… Read more »

Big Pixels

Big data and analytics in medicine is hot. But, big pixels, i.e. pattern recognition by digitizing medical images, like a pathologic slide, an X-ray of your shoulder, a mammogram or a brain scan, and using them to assist with or make a diagnosis, has an even bigger future. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2015/11/big-pixels#sthash.3MSf4BWX.dpuf

The Patient Hierarchy of Involvement

Patients interact with disparate elements of the Sick Care system at differing levels of intensity and motivation. A big business has grown around getting patients more involved in an effort to improve their health and insurance IQs. That, theoretically, would lower costs, improve outcomes, and enable and empower patients to make better use of scarce… Read more »

How to Compete Against Big Box Cared

The number of retail health clinics will exceed 2,800 by 2017, which is an increase of 47% from about 1,900 in 2014, according to a new report from Accenture. – See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2015/11/how-to-compete-against-big-box-care#sthash.8pjex6S2.dpuf

9 Ways to Transform your Waiting Room

The biggest complaints from patients are 1) they have to wait in the waiting room; and 2) the doctor didn’t spend enough time with them or explain things in a way they could understand. It’s about time doctors do something about it.– See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2015/11/9-ways-to-transform-your-waiting-room#sthash.7hM2dYyK.dpuf

Privatize the VA?

Privatizing the US Department of Veterans Affairs has reached the level of presidential politics. In the midst of reports, white papers, scandals, Congressional hearings, leadership changes at the top, and pushback from Veterans organizations, Veterans Day seemed like an appropriate time to fire the shot heard around Iowa and New Hampshire with many chiming in… Read more »

What Is Patient Engagement Anyway?

Everyone wants to engage patients in the hope they can improve outcomes and drive down costs. Unfortunately, many unvalidated assumptions and barriers are getting in the way and there is a cacophony of conversations going on between people talking at – rather than to – each other. One of the issues is that we don’t all… Read more »

Will the Money Really Follow if You Do What you Love?

We’ve all heard the cliché that you should do what you love and the money will follow. That might work for the media, bloggers, and personal coaches, but for many, it rings hollow. In fact, there are many who have followed their hearts and are still living from paycheck to paycheck, or lately, no paycheck… Read more »