The 2021 yearbook of physician entrepreneurship

In the spirit of the end of the year “best” lists, I’ll leave it up to the experts. In fact, pop culture was never my best category on Jeopardy.

Here was my list for last year. See what I mean?

So, here’s what I’d nominate for best physician entrepreneurship ideas for 2021:

  1. Great Small Business Ideas to Start in 2022
  2. Last minute digital gifts
  3. A membership to the Physician Career Planning group
  4. A 1985 first edition of Peter Drucker’s“Innovation and Entrepreneurship”
  5. A CD copy of “Her”, where Joaquin Phoenix falls in love with his operating system
  6. Two weeks at a digital detoxification center.
  7. A visit to the Museum of Physician Happiness
  8. A lifetime subscription to Dilbert cartoons emailed each day
  9. A week fly fishing, so you can learn the fundamentals of entrepreneurship
  10. A waterproof note-pad, so all those ideas you had in the shower don’t all just go down the drain. But, be sure to order the optional shower drain filter to make sure the lousy ones indeed never see the light of day.
  11. A framed copy of your failure resume
  12. A new white coat (or embroidered fleece vest showing your private equity employer logo) for when you decide that physician entrepreneurship was a waste of your time and that practicing medicine wasn’t so bad after all.

Please include your favorites in the comments section so I can put them on next year’s list. The only rule is that it can’t have anything to do with artificial intelligence. We’ve had enough of that already for one year.

Good luck with next year’s venture.

Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs