Want More Patients? Raise Your Prices.

When I was early in practice, I wanted to shift the emphasis of my clinical activity to head and neck oncology and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and away from general otolaryngology. So, in an attempt to lessen the number of consultations for sore throats and recurrent tonsillitis, I raised my prices and told patients that I generally charge more than others who do the same operation. This was a long time ago, and of course, dynamics of charging and reimbursement were different. Guess what happened? I got busier doing tonsillectomies. They figured if I charged more, I must be better. Of course, my complication rate was the same as everyone else’s.
– See more at: http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/contributor/arlen-meyers-md-mba/2016/04/want-more-patients-raise-your-prices#sthash.aoKKx1yU.dpuf