カテゴリー: Blog

How to thrive in the Medapocalypse

Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA Sickcare spending continues to spiral out of control. Patients are becoming impatient voters. Hospitals are folding or consolidating and rural hospitals are disappearing. bringing the number of rural hospital closures up to 98 since 2010. Hundreds more are likely to follow. Currently, 46% of rural hospitals operate at a loss, compared to 44% in 2018 and 40% in 2017. Due to financial strains, nearly 700 rural hospitals are financially vulnerable and at high risk of closure. Politicians and policy makers see the answer as insuring more patients by spending more taxpayer and employee dollars increasing the present national debt of $23.25 trillion. You cannot possibly get your head around that… もっと読む »

Lead innovators, don’t manage innovation

Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA Chief Innovation Officers are growing like weeds. Some think their job is to manage innovation. Some even go so far as to define their desirable traits. You can tell the CHINOs (Chief Healthcare Innovation Officer) in your office by the chinos and polo shirts they wear. But, just because they wear the same uniforms doesn’t mean they think and work the same. You see, there is no CHINO school. They might as well quit since managing innovation will take them in the wrong direction. Instead, they should be leading innovators. Here’s why: 1. Everyone seems to have a different definition of innovation. Be sure you are leading people… もっと読む »

How to Quit

By Sudhen Desai, MD Quit  /kwit/ verb gerund or present participle: quitting     1. leave (a place), usually permanently.     “he was ordered to quit the cabin immediately”     synonyms:      leave, vacate, exit, depart from, withdraw from; abandon, desert Often, we are faced with the idea of “quitting”.   Beyond the dictionary definition above, quitting takes on many shapes and sizes. It could involve a conscious change in career trajectory.  It could involve reducing commitment to one position to allow growth in another.  Or, it could simply be cessation of a position with no back-up.  This latter, extreme position is reflected in the definition this post began with. To quit something,… もっと読む »

Featured Chapter: SoPE Houston

By Ann Tanabe, CEO BioHouston Houston is home to the largest medical center in the world and is quickly becoming the Third Coast for life sciences.  Here in Houston, the brightest minds in medicine have access to one of the highest densities of clinical facilities for patient care, basic science, and translational research.  BioHouston leads the effort to establish our region as a vigorous global competitor in life science and biotechnology commercialization.  In order to do this, we believe we must create and grow a true life science ecosystem.  While BioHouston’s activities are designed to ignite the growth of the industry as a whole, the success of this broad mission… もっと読む »

Chilling New Study Says Most College Educated Americans Fail At Basic Digital Literacy

By Prudy Gourguechon | Originally published on Forbes.com The third annual State of Critical Thinking Study released yesterday by MindEdge Learning, an educational technology consultancy, reveals that while most Americans believe critical thinking and digital literacy are important capacities in today’s workplace, a large majority flunk a test that assesses those same abilities. The implications for educators and employers are significant but even more frightening are the immediate implications for free and fair elections. The test examines whether respondents can reliably identify suspicious material on the internet. This means paying attention to such details as spelling or grammatical errors, the presence or absence of photo credits, indications that the content is promoted or… もっと読む »

The Titanic Effect

The Titanic Effect Successfully Navigating the Uncertainties that Sink Most Startups The Titanic Effect captures our decades of experience teaching and mentoring entrepreneurs, starting companies, and investing in startups. We have noted repeated patterns in mistakes that founders make early in the life of a venture that limit success. These patterns transcend life sciences, information technology, consumer products, and even service businesses. Why the title? The Titanic represents to many of us the iconic tale of what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. The tragedy is embodied in that instant when The Ship struck The Iceberg, killing over 1,500 passengers and crew—and the hubris of thinking we… もっと読む »