カテゴリー: Uncategorized

How to curate physician entrepreneurs at scale

Now that COIVD has magnified the already yawning gaps and inequities in US Sickcare, Inc, we are facing the challenge of creating physician entrepreneurs at scale. The Maginot line we created is no match for the blitzkreig. We can’t find and train the numbers and kinds of the troops we need by drafting them. Our defenses and battle plan were designed to fight the last war. In the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has quickly and dramatically accelerated the need for new workforce skills. The rapid rise of digitization and remote work has placed new demands on employees who, in many instances, now require different skills to support significant changes to… もっと読む »

The doctor persona 2025

Seeing around corners is always hard. However, to go to where the puck will be is a useful step when planning strategy and tactics to meet the needs of customers segments. Here are some ways to help build your parabolic mirror view of what’s next. If you have a product or service and are planning not just for the now, but the next and new, then painting a picture of your customer archetype or personna is a key tool. Do you know who your dream customer is? There are 3 steps for understanding your dream customer: Consider the big issues they are facing – look wider and investigate global issues, such as hunger, environmental… もっと読む »

We need to teach health professionals data literacy and digital dexterity

Sick care has turned into a data industry that happens to take care of patients. There is data, data everywhere. More students are interested in writing the book. Unfortunately, few know how to read it or apply it. There is probably no more important time to understand these landmines of data literacy than during a pandemic. EIT Health, in partnership with GE Healthcare, is currently running a program, HelloAIRIS, dedicated to upskilling doctors and other healthcare professionals with the necessary AI understanding and competencies. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought innovation in healthcare to the forefront through the industry’s effort to rapidly expand telehealth services, reminding many health systems of a key lesson: information technology (IT)… もっと読む »

Are doctors wasting their time on entrepreneurship?

Medical students, residents and practitioners around the world are getting more and more interested in entrepreneurship for many reasons. With that, some are questioning the wisdom of doctors bothering themselves with “the business of medicine” , innovation and entrepreneurship given how difficult it is for most doctors to maintain state of the art medical skills, cope with a constantly challenging regulatory environment and keep up with the explosion of medical knowledge. One fundamental question that challenges every doctor is how to reconcile the ethics of medicine with the ethics of business where they practice. The idea that we are living in an entrepreneurial age, experiencing rapid disruptive technological innovation on a scale amounting… もっと読む »

What are your roles, holes and goals?

If and when you decide to start your own company or work with a client, you will have to have a plan to evolve as a leaderpreneur i.e. someone who know how to lead innovators. Doing so will require that you periodically assess your personal and oganzational roles, holes and goals to see if you are still the right person to do the jobs that need to be done. Roles have to do with which position you will play on the startup, scaleup or grown up team? Is it a problem seeker, a problem solver, a money finder, a business builder, a customer finder, a scorekeeper, a legal eagle, a people connector or some… もっと読む »

Sickcare is a Culture of Conformity versus a Culture of Creativity

Sickcare is a culture of conformity and competition. Premeds know it. Medical students and residents learn it. But, once they graduate, they are told they will be paid for value. Unfortunately, few will teach them how to do it and reconcile the culture of conformity and competition with an innovative culture of creativity, collaboration and interprofessional communication. We should be thankful that we are starting to see some cracks in the armor. Here are some ways to balance the two mindsets: Start with higher education reform  To prepare students for a post-Covid future, colleges and universities need to double down on preparing them for digital jobs. But even teaching platform skills aren’t… もっと読む »

The physician entrepreneur’s gig guide

If you are a physician looking for an alternative or supplementary job or career as someone who contributes to getting ideas to patients in a non-clinical role, then what got you to where you are now won’t get you to where you want to go. Finding the right date a doc platform is hard. Here are some articles that might help get you to your new destination: The sickcare gig economy Physician side gig gaffes The 5 pillars of physician entrepreneurship Which gig should you accept, doctor? Advising is not doctoring Do you want to get in or get out? How to let go of the banana How to build your personal… もっと読む »

Why Physicians Are Embracing Entrepreneurship (And How You Can Get Involved)

By Lena Canon Why are physicians getting into entrepreneurship? There are generally multiple factors that influence why physicians start a business. Wesley Greenblatt, a physician and part-time instructor at Harvard Medical School, states that culture, professional values, peer influence, and market opportunities are the main factors that affect physicians’ interest in entrepreneurship. And of all these motivators, Greenblatt emphasizes that cultural mindsets and peer influence play crucial roles in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit among physicians. It seems that many physicians also go into business to establish their private practice. This entrepreneurial culture is essential among private practitioners who are currently using telemedicine platforms. Your entrepreneurial skills will help onboard patients and maintain a… もっと読む »

MD/MBA: Reasons Why I Got a Dual Degree

By Sanjana Vig MD, MBA I made the decision to pursue a dual degree, an MD/MBA, when I was still in high school. I had an interest in medicine but I hated the idea of being yet another Indian doctor. How unoriginal. So when my dad introduced me to someone who had done this dual degree, it was my “aha!” moment. As far as I knew, this was something different, could set me apart and no one else I knew was doing it. Perfect! While my initial reasons for pursuing this career path were pretty superficial, it didn’t take me long to realize how valuable a second degree would be…. もっと読む »

Lead innovators, don’t manage innovation

Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA Chief Innovation Officers are growing like weeds. Some think their job is to manage innovation. Some even go so far as to define their desirable traits. You can tell the CHINOs (Chief Healthcare Innovation Officer) in your office by the chinos and polo shirts they wear. But, just because they wear the same uniforms doesn’t mean they think and work the same. You see, there is no CHINO school. They might as well quit since managing innovation will take them in the wrong direction. Instead, they should be leading innovators. Here’s why: 1. Everyone seems to have a different definition of innovation. Be sure you are leading people… もっと読む »