Categoria: Blogue

Why Physicians Are Embracing Entrepreneurship (And How You Can Get Involved)

By Lena Canon Why are physicians getting into entrepreneurship? There are generally multiple factors that influence why physicians start a business. Wesley Greenblatt, a physician and part-time instructor at Harvard Medical School, states that culture, professional values, peer influence, and market opportunities are the main factors that affect physicians’ interest in entrepreneurship. And of all these motivators,… Ler mais »

How to mitigate telebubble risk in private practice

According to a recent article, there might be trouble in TeleRiver City There are three scenarios-the good, the bad and the ugly. Whether the expediteded rules changes concerning licensing and reimbursement persist will have a large effect on the continuing dissemination and implementation of telemedicine and to what degree. So, if you are in private… Ler mais »

What you should learn from the Google Health failure

There used to be a time when almost everyone was asking, “What would Google do with sickcare?” Google health has pulled the plug on their sickcare venture. So did Haven. So did Microsoft. Maybe if the folks in the corner offices (remember those) or at their beach villas working from home talked to some doctors sooner, things might have been… Ler mais »

So, You Have an Idea, But Do You Have a Clue?

By Eric Kirsch, Leader of SoPE Charlotte, North Carolina Chapter So the surgeon turns to me and says “I would love to tell you my idea, but first I need you to sign this NDA”. I chuckle for a few seconds. But my answer is “no”.  These days I get approached by a lot of… Ler mais »

SoPE & The Japan Ministry of Health

In the last decade, entrepreneurial spirit within the United States has grown rapidly across various industries, but especially in the medical and healthcare fields. Many practicing physicians have entered the entrepreneurial world, creating new inventions themselves, launching companies or acting as consultants or advisors for medical device companies. We often we take for granted the… Ler mais »

What doctor shortage?

The conventional wisdom seems to be that we will be facing a doctor shortage due to the 10,000 boomers turning 65 each day, disparities in geographic distribution and inappropriate specialist/generalist ratios. Add that to the bottle neck in graduate medical education funding and the pundits would have you believe you’ll need to go the black market… Ler mais »

The courage to innovate

Being an innovator takes courage, confidence and conviction. You are a guerrilla fighter waging war against the status quo, vested interests and corporate bureaucracy that have sophisticated defenses against intruders that seek to threaten their cash flow, culture and business models. You are fighting for the hearts and minds of patient customers ,payers, providers and non-users… Ler mais »

The problem with “list and leave”​inventors

The real estate industry has a term for a certain type of realtor behavior-list and leave. Maybe you have experienced it the last time you hired a realtor to sell your property. What happens is after signing a listing agreement, the realtor puts a big, attractive sign in your front lawn and lists your property… Ler mais »

The entrepreneurial v the clinical mindset

Innovation starts with the right mindset. For that reason, doctors with a clinical mindset have some characteristics that are entrepreneurial keys. However, there are many more entrepreneurial mindset traits they lack. So, if you are a sick care professional, like a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, dentist or allied health professional interested in entrepreneurship or a non-clinical career pivot, then… Ler mais »

How to find your innerpreneur

There are entrepreneurs and there are intrapreneurs, employees acting like entrepreneurs with in their organizations.. But few recognize that there are many innerpreneurs. The entomology of the entrepreneurial life cycle resembles an insect that goes from the egg to the larval to the pupal to the adult phase. If just takes fertilization for the process to… Ler mais »