Top 10 SoPE Chapter Tips

Many are interested in learning more about what is involved with creating and leading a SOPE chapter. Here are some tips :

1. Remember, the puposes of SoPE chapters are to 1) advance the mission of SoPE-getting ideas to patients-by providing members with education, resources, networks, mentors, experiential learning and connections to investors, 2) recruit dues paying members, and 3) recruit partners and sponsors

2. SoPE chapters are led by MDs/DOs in collaboration with other executive committe members of the chapter who do not have to be physicians.

3. Start with building the community of interest using word of mouth and extensive socia media and include medical societies, business schools, bioscience assns, eco-devo agencies and other health professional organizations

4. Identify a partner willing to provide a free, conveniently located venue to host regularly scheduled meetings

5. Identify hosts who are willing to defray the costs of food at the meetings and chapter sponsors.

6. Invite speakers from your local bioimedical and health ecosystem to give educational and informational presentations.

7. Consider a 5 minute bull pen where members can pitch to other. These should not be a public solicitation for money or infomercials

8. Use this SoPE website to inform chapter members about upcoming events and schedules. 

9. Require that attendees be SoPE dues paying members unless otherwise invited as guests to learn more

10. Use SoPE resources to help you with marketing, web postings or other tips from chapter leaders. Jeff Hausfeld at is the SoPE Chapter Coordinator and available to answer questions.


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