Category: Blog

Complications of Biobusiness Education

Like all entrepreneurship, biomedical entrepreneurial education is an experiment. The business model canvas includes critical underlying business assumptions that need to be validated for programs to be successful, scale, and be sustainable.  – See more at:

When Was the Last Time You Thanked a Patient?

Sick-care institutions and practitioners are looking to engage patients, in part, to improve outcomes. However, a more bottom-line reason is that engagement builds loyalty and loyal patient/customers stick with you. Unfortunately, given the vagaries of sick-care insurance and market dynamics, patient/customer loyalty is dropping.  – See more at:

How to Get Unfriended on Facebook

Like all people, entrepreneurs have their blind spots and weaknesses. Some (look familiar in the mirror?) are so dictatorial, self-centered, disagreeable, interrupting, narcissistic, and disrespectful of others’ opinions, they make people run, not walk, from them. They throw you off their teams and fire you from the very things you helped create. Worse case, as… Read more »

Where You Sit Determines How You Die

It used to be that where you sat determined where you stood. Now, things are getting worse, and where you sit can determine whether you get sick or die due to your sedentary lifestyle at work. Sitting for more than three hours per day is responsible for 3.8% of all-cause mortality, according to an analysis of behavioral surveys… Read more »

Crowd-Fund Your Startup Medical Practice

Investor crowd-funding rules go into effect today so you will be seeing a lot of commentary about them. Optimum candidates for this funding mechanism are those industries with a built-in crowd and immediate cash flow, like restaurants and real estate. – See more at:

Create a Teleplatform, Not a Teleproduct

Telemedicine continues to evolve with increasing levels of adoption. There are many questions still to be answered about the technologies, including whether they reduce costs or just add to them. You see, in sick care, there is no Moore’s Law.– See more at:

Linear vs. Messy Innovation

Innovation experts and consultants come in two flavors: linear and messy. The linear, analytical ones tell us that innovation happens in a step-wise, predictable way e.g., the seven stages of innovation.– See more at:

10 Ways to Foster Research Collaboration at Multi-Campus Universities

In an effort to be globally competitive and create more impact from research, the University of Paris-Saclay has consolidated 18 research and academic institutions. I’m impressed with the boldness of their effort, since I have no clue what the person across the hall from me is doing, let alone someone in another building. – See more… Read more »

How to Break Down Barriers That Keep Out Potential Immigrant Physician Entrepreneurs

For some mysterious reason, American citizens who go to medical school outside of the US are called “international medical graduates” (IMGs) and those who are not American citizens who trained in other countries are called “foreign medical graduates” (FMGs). The checkpoint that determines whether you can practice medicine in the US is whether you can… Read more »

Are Crowds Really That Smart?

By now you have heard of or read The Wisdom of Crowds. The idea has become so pervasive that almost every keynoter uses it, usually with a line like, “No person in the room is smarter than everyone else in the room.”– See more at: